Australian European Social Survey 2020
In early 2020, the Australian National University (ANU) replicated ESS questions via the Social Research Centre’s probability-based panel, Life in Australia.
The vast majority of questions included in ESS Round 9 (2018/19) were fielded on the panel from 17 February to 2 March 2020. The resulting dataset is harmonized with the main ESS dataset to allow for comparisons between respondents in Australia and the 29 European countries who participated in Round 9. This will help academics and researchers to better understand the similarities and differences between these countries.
Life in Australia - Australia's most methodologically rigorous panel - uses random probability-based sampling methods to cover both the online and offline population. The sampling approach ensures that sampling errors and confidence intervals can be calculated.
Panel members are randomly recruited via landline or mobile phone. Willing participants provide their contact details so that they can take part in the surveys on a regular basis. Surveys are completed using web self-completion or over the telephone.
Life in Australia replicated:
- 6/6 items included in Media and social trust (Core module A)
- 41/43 items included in Politics (Core module B)
- 27/42 items included in Subjective well-being, social exclusion, religion, national and ethnic identity (Core module C)
- 9/35 items included in the Timing of life (Rotating module D)
- 61/61 items included in the Background variables (Core module F)
- 19/32 items included in Justice and fairness module (Rotating module G)
The data is available from the Australian Data Archive.
Analysis of some of the data was presented at our webinar in February 2023: Life in Australia: Replicating the European Social Survey.
Further information about the variables included in the AussiESS dataset are detailed below:
The relationship between the ESS and Social Research Centre was supported by Horizon 2020 projects: