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Data alerts

ESS5 Error in education mapping for Israel

A mapping error has been detected for Israeli respondents with background from the former Soviet Union education system (eduil2).

A mapping error has been detected for Israeli respondents with background from the former Soviet Union education system (eduil2).

After data collection, category 229 of eduil1 (the item related to the Israeli education system) was re-mapped from edulvlb 229 to 311. Accidentally, this re-mapping was also performed for category 229 of eduil2 (the item related to the Soviet Union education system). The latter should have remained in ISCED category 229.

Only 5 respondents (IDNOs: 2155, 2564, 2586, 2645, 2722) are affected by this error, and the following syntax (SPSS) will rectify the error:

IF (eduil2 = 229) edulvlb = 229.

The error will be corrected in future updates of the ESS5 data.

ESS5 New edition (ed. 3.5) of Main data available

A new version of the ESS5 integrated file (edition 3.5) was published on 24 November 2023.

A new version of the ESS5 integrated file (edition 3.5) was published on 24 November 2023.

The new release is due to some corrections in data from Cyprus, Hungary, Lithuania and Norway. The analysis weight (anweight) has also been added.

For more information, see version information for the ESS5 integrated file on the ESS Data portal.

ESS5 Error in variable UEMP5YR (F38), Lithuania

An error has been detected in the Lithuanian data related to variable UEMP5YR ("Any period of unemployment and work seeking within last 5 years") in Lithuania.

An error has been detected in the Lithuanian data related to variable UEMP5YR ("Any period of unemployment and work seeking within last 5 years") in Lithuania.

The deposited and published variable is simply a duplicate of UEMP12M ("Any period of unemployment and work seeking lasted 12 months or more").

The ESS Data Archive is liaising with the Lithuanian national coordinator for ESS at the time of ESS5 in order to be able to correct the variable for future updates of the integrated ESS5 data file.

In the meantime, we advise our users to set the variable UEMP5YR to system missing for Lithuanian records in the data set.

ESS1-9 Cumulative file

The ESS Data and Documentation section has been updated with a cumulative data file for the first nine rounds of the ESS.

The ESS Data and Documentation section has been updated with a cumulative data file for the first nine rounds of the ESS. The cumulative data are available from the ESS Cumulative Data Wizard, where users can customise their own subsets of data in different formats. The ESS Cumulative Data Wizard gives access to cumulative data from countries that have been included in the integrated ESS files in two or more rounds. All variables that have been asked in more than one round are included in the cumulative data file.

New ESS 1-8 data release

All rounds of the ESS have been updated in a major upgrade of the ESS data and documentation 01.12.18.

All rounds of the ESS have been updated in a major upgrade of the ESS data and documentation 01.12.18. For an overview of the changes in variables and country data, see version notes for ESS1, ESS2, ESS3, ESS4, ESS5, ESS6, ESS7 and ESS8 respectively.

The ESS Cumulative Data Wizard, where users can customise their own subsets of data in different formats, will be updated with all eight rounds of the ESS within the next two weeks.

ESS Multilevel Data updated

The Multilevel Data resource was updated on the 26th of June 2017.

The Multilevel Data resource was updated on the 26th of June 2017.

In this update, survey data from ESS7 was added to the resource, alongside the already published data from ESS4, ESS5 and ESS6. The existing categories of macro data (demography, economy, education, health, crime and political institutions) were expanded with new variables and more recent data to match the ESS round 7 survey data. In addition contextual data concerning immigration added to complement the ESS7 rotating module on that topic.

In addition the ESS4, ESS5 and ESS6 individual level data have been updated to the newest editions available.

ESS1-7 Cumulative file

The ESS Data and Documentation section has been updated with a cumulative data file for the first seven rounds of the ESS.

The ESS Data and Documentation section has been updated with a cumulative data file for the first seven rounds of the ESS. The cumulative data are available from the ESS Cumulative Data Wizard, where users can customise their own subsets of data in different formats. The ESS Cumulative Data Wizard gives access to cumulative data from countries that have been included in the integrated ESS files in two or more rounds. All variables that have been asked in more than one round are included in the cumulative data file.

New ESS 1-7 data release

All rounds of the ESS have been updated in a major upgrade of the ESS data and documentation 01.12.16.

All rounds of the ESS have been updated in a major upgrade of the ESS data and documentation 01.12.16. For an overview of the changes in variables and country data, see version notes for ESS1, ESS2, ESS3, ESS4, ESS5, ESS6 and ESS7 respectively.

The ESS Cumulative Data Wizard, where users can customise their own subsets of data in different formats, will be updated with all seven rounds of the ESS within the next ten days.

ESS5 Austrian contact form data released

The Austrian contact form data for ESS round 5 was released 06.05.16. The Austrian contact form data file is accessible as a separate country file from the Austria section on the ESS5 - 2010 Data Download pages.

The Austrian contact form data for ESS round 5 was released 06.05.16. The Austrian contact form data file is accessible as a separate country file from the Austria section on the ESS5 - 2010 Data Download pages.

ESS5 Austrian data released

The Austrian data for ESS round 5 was released 14 December 2015. The release also includes Austrian interviewer and parents' occupation data. All data files are accessible under country files on the ESS5 - 2010 Data Download page.

The Austrian data for ESS round 5 was released 14 December 2015. The release also includes Austrian interviewer and parents' occupation data. All data files are accessible under country files on the ESS5 - 2010 Data Download page.

Question mark in front of monitor screen displaying a bar chart.

Data enquiries

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